School Board Policies
O = Optional These policies should be reviewed to determine whether they meet a particular local need. Most are informational in nature.
P = Priority The subject matter of these policies is required by state and/or federal law.
R = Recommended While these policies are not required by law, they are highly recommended for effective and efficient School Board operation.
Click on a heading below to see a drop down menu of individual policies.
Section A contains policies, on the District's legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying School Board governance. These policies provide a setting for all of the School Board's other policies and regulations.
Code Category Title
AA O School District Legal Status
ABA R Volunteer Involvement
AC P Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
ACAA Harassment & Sexual Harassment of Students
ACAB Harassment & Sexual Harassment of School Employees
ACE P Procedural Safeguards: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability
AD O Philosophy of the School District
ADB R Drug-Free Workplace & Drug-Free Schools (Also GBEC, GBED, JICG, JICH)
ADC P Prohibitions Regarding Use and Possession of Tobacco Products, E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids In and On School Facilities and Grounds (Also GBED & JICG)
ADD/EBB O Safe Schools
Section B contains policies on the School Board - how it is appointed or elected; how it is organized; how it conducts meetings, and how the board operates. This section includes bylaws and policies establishing the board's internal operating procedures.
Code Category Title
BA R School Board Operational Goals
BAAA R School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
BB O School Board Legal Status
BBA R Board Powers and Responsibilities
BBA-R School Board Powers and Duties
BBAA R Board Member Authority and Responsibilities
BBB O Board Membership - Elections/Appointment
BBBA O Board Member Qualifications
BBBC O Board Member Resignation
BBBD O Board Member Removal from Office
BBBE O Un-expired Term Fulfillment/Vacancies
BCA R School Board Member Ethics
BCB R Board Member Conflict of Interest
BDA O Board Organizational Meeting
BDB R Board Officers
BDD R Board-Superintendent Relationship
BDE R Board Committees
BEA R Regular Board Meetings
BEB O Special/ Emergency Board Meetings
BEC R Non-Public Sessions
BEDA R Notification of Board Meetings
BEDB R Agenda
BEDC R Quorum
BEDD O Rules of Order
BEDG R Minutes
BEDG-R Access to Minutes and Public Records
BEDH R Public Participation at Board Meetings
BEDH-R Cornish School Board Meeting Guidelines
BFE R Administration in Policy Absence
BGAA R Policy Development, Adoption and Review
BGD R Board Review of Regulations
BGF R Suspension/Repeal of Policy
BHC O Board Communications with Staff (Also GBD)
BHE O School Board Use of Email
BIA R New Board Member Orientation/Handbook
BID O Board Member Compensation and Expenses (Also BDC)
Section C contains policies on school management, administrative organization, and school building and department administration -- including the administrative aspect of special programs and system wide reforms such as school- or site-based management. It also houses personnel policies on the superintendent, senior administrators -- (management team), and school principals. All phases of policy implementation -- procedures or regulations -- are properly referenced and found in the appendix.
Code Category Title
CA P Administration Goals/Priority Objectives
CA-R1 Duties of Superintendent
CA-R2 Duties of the Principal
CBI R Evaluation of the Superintendent
CHCA R Handbooks and Directives
Section D contains policies on school finances and the management of funds. Policies on the financing of school construction and renovation, however, are filed in Section F, Facilities Development.
Code Category Title
DA R Fiscal Management Goals/Priority Objectives
DAF P Administration of Federal Grants
DB R Annual Budget
DBJ R Transfer of Appropriation
DEA O Funds from Local Tax Sources
DFA P Investments
DGA P Authorized Signatures
DH R Bonded Employees
DID R Inventories
DIE R Audits/Financial Monitoring
DJ R Purchasing
DJB-A Code of Conduct for Procurement
DJE R Bidding Procedures
Section E contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on non-instructional services and programs, particularly those on business management such as safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services.
Code Category Title
EB P Workplace Safety Program & Joint Loss Management Committee
EBB P School Safety
EBBB P Accident Reports
EBBC P Emergency Care and First Aid (Also EBBC, JLCD & JLCE)
EBC O Crisis Prevention and Response (Also EB, EBCA, JICK)
EBCA R Emergency Plans
EBCB R Fire Drills
EBCB-R Fire Exit Drills in Educational Occupancies
EBCC R Bomb Threats
EBCD R Weather-Related Emergencies (Also EBCE)
EBCF O Pandemic / Epidemic Emergencies
ECAB O Access to Buildings (Also EB)
ECAF R Audio and Video Surveillance on School Buses
EDC O Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment
EDC-R Authorized Use of School-Owned Equipment
EEA P Student Transportation (Also EEAE, EEAEC & JICC)
EEAA R Video and Audio Surveillance on School Property
EEAE P School Bus Safety Program (Also EEA & JICC)
EEAEA P Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing
EEAEA-R Mandatory Drug/Alcohol Testing
EEAED O Receipt and Use of Sex Offender Registry Information
EEAG R Use of Private Vehicles on School Business
EEBD Indoor Air Quality
EFA Availability and Distribution of Health Foods
EFAA R School Lunch Meal Charges
EFAB USDA Nondiscrimination Statement for School Food Service Programs
EGA P Technology Resources: Acceptable Access and Use for Staff and Students (Also JICAB)
EGA-R Acceptable Technology Resource Use: Procedures
EGAD R Copyright Compliance
EGAD-R Copyright Compliance
EH P Data Management
EHAA P Computer Security (EGA)
EHAB P Data Governance and Security
EHB P Data Records & Retention
EHB-R Data/Records Retention Schedule
EIB R Liability Insurance
Section F contains policies and regulations, on facility planning, financing, construction, and renovation.
Section G contains policies on all Cornish School District employees except for the Superintendent (policies on the school chief are located in Section C, General Administration). The category is divided into three main divisions: GB has policies applying to all school employees or to general personnel matters; GC refers to instructional and administrative staff; and GD refers to support or classified staff.
Code Category Title
GA R Personnel Goals/Priority Objectives
GADA P Employment References and Verification (Prohibiting Aiding and Abetting of Sexual Abuse)
GBAA P Sexual Harassment and Violence - Employees (Also JBAA)
GBAA-R Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Violence Report Form
GBAA-R2 Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Violence Investigator's Checklist
GBCD P Background Information and Criminal Records Check (Also IJOC)
GBCD-R Professional Staff Positions
GBCD-R1 Technical Assistance Advisory
GBCE R Training and Information Relative to Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
GBD O Communications with Staff (Also BHC)
GBE R Employee Rights and Responsibilities
GBEA R Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest
GBEAA R Confidential Student Information
GBEAB R Mandatory Code of Conduct Reporting-All Employees
GBEB R Staff Conduct
GBEBB O Employee Student Relations
GBEBC O Employee Gifts and Solicitations (Also KH)
GBEBD R Employee Use of Social Networking Websites
GBED P Tobacco Products Ban (Also ADC, & JICG )
GBEF P School District Internet Access for Staff
GBG R Staff Welfare/Protection
GBGA R Staff Health
GBGBA R Defibrillator(s) Policy (Also IHAMC & JLCCA )
GBGD R Workers’ Compensation Temporary Alternative Work Program
GBGD-R Temporary Alternative Duty Program- Acknowledgement Form
GBI O Staff Participation in Political Activities
GBJ R Personnel Records
GBJ-R Personnel Records
GBJA R Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
GBK O Staff Concerns, Complaints
GCAA R Highly Qualified Teachers
GCCAD O Military Leave
GCF R Professional Staff Hiring
GCH O Professional Staff Orientation
GCI R Professional Staff Development Opportunities
GCO P Teacher Performance and Evaluations
GCO-P Teacher Performance and Evaluations Procedures
GCQ O Personnel Exit Interview
GCQ-R Personnel Exit Interview Form
Section H contains policies, on the process of negotiating with Bargaining units recognized by the School Board and authorized under state law.
Code Category Title
Section I contains policies on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources, and academic achievement.
Code Category Title
IB O Academic Freedom
IC R School Year
ICA R School Calendar
IFA P Instructional Needs of Each Individual Student
IGA R Curriculum Development
IGD P Curriculum Adoption
IGE P Parental Objections to Specific Course Material
IHAE O Physical Education
IHAK P Character and Citizenship Education
IHAL O Exemptions from Required Instruction
IHAM P Health Education and Exemption from Instruction
IHAM-R Health and Sex Education Exemption: Opt Out Form
IHAMA R Teaching about Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco
IHAMB R Teaching about Self Protection
IHBA R Programs for Pupils with Disabilities (Also JICD)
IHBA-R Procedural Safeguards for Children With Disabilities
IHBAA Evaluation Requirements for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities
IHBBA P Limited English Proficiency Instruction
IHBBA-R Limited English Proficient Programs Parent Notification Form
IHBCA R Programs for Pregnant/Parenting Students (Also JIE)
IHBG R Home Education Instruction
IHBH Extended Learning Opportunities
IHBH-R Extended Learning Opportunity - Application
IHCA P Summer Activities
IIB R Class Size
IJK R Supplemental Materials
IJO P School, Community, and Home Relations
IJOA R Field Trips
IJOA-R1 Request for Educational Field Trips
IJOC P Volunteers
IKA R Grading/Assessment Systems
IKB P Homework Guidelines
IKE P Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration of Students
IL P Evaluation of Instructional Programs (Also ILBA)
ILBA P Assessment of Educational Programs (Also IL)
ILD O Educational Questionnaires, Surveys and Research
ILD-R Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment - Supporting Forms
IMAH P Daily Physical Activity
IMBA R Distance Education
IMBD P High School Credit for 7th/ 8th Grade Coursework
IMC R Controversial Speakers/Programs
IMG O Animals in the Classroom
IMGA Service Animals
Section J contains policies on students -- admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare, and school-related activities.
Code Category Title
JBAA P Sexual Harassment and Violence - Students (Also GBAA)
JBAA-R Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Violence Report
JCA R Change of School or Assignment (Also JEC & JFAB)
JEB R Age of Entrance
JEB-R Age of Entrance Protocol
JEC P Manifest Educational Hardship
JFA R Residency
JFAA P Admission of Resident Students
JFAA-R Procedures for Establishing Residency
JFAB P Admission of Tuition and Non-Resident Students
JFABB R Foreign Exchange Students
JFABB-R Admission of Foreign Exchange Students
JFABD P Admission of Homeless Students
JFABE R Education of Children in Foster Care
JG P Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels
JH P Student Attendance Policy Requirements
JHB-R Truancy
JHC R Student Release Time Precautions
JI R Students Rights & Responsibilities
JIA R Student Due Process Rights
JIC R Student Conduct
JICA R Student Dress Code
JICC R Student Conduct on School Buses
JICD P Student Discipline, and Due Process – Safe School Zone (Also IHBA)
JICDD R Student Discipline Out-Of-School Actions
JICE R Student Publications
JICF R Secret Societies/Gang Activity
JICFA R Hazing
JICG P Tobacco Use by Students (Also ADC, GBED)
JICH R Drug and Alcohol Use by Students (Also ABD, GBEC, GBED)
JICI R Weapons on School Property
JICJ R Unauthorized Communication Devices
JICK P Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention – Bullying
JICKA-R1 Cyberbullying
JICKA-R2 Cyberbullying
JICL School District Internet Access For Students
JICM O Bring Your Own Device/ Technology
JIE R Pregnant Students (Also IHBCA)
JIH R Student Interrogations, Searches, and Arrests
JIJ O Student Protests, Demonstrations and Strikes
JJA O Student Clubs and Organizations
JJE Student Fund-Raising Activities
JJF R Student Activities Funds
JJG O Non-Schooled Sponsored Contests for Students
JJIC O Athletic Eligibility
JJIC-R Athletics Procedures and Guidelines
JJJ R Access to Public School Programs by Nonpublic, Charter School and Home-Educated Pupils
JKAA-R Restraints and Seclusion Procedures and Reporting
JKAA Use of Restraints and Seclusion
JKB R Detention of Students
JLC R School Health Services
JLCA R Physical Examinations of Students
JLCAA-R1 Concussion Signs and Symptoms
JLCAA-R2 Concussion/ Head Injury Return to Physical Activity Form
JLCB R Immunization of Students
JLCC R Communicable Diseases
JLCCA R Students with HIV/AIDS (Also GBGAA & IHAMA)
JLCD P Administering Medication to Students
JLCD-R Administering Medication to Students
JLCE P First Aid and Emergency Medical Care
JLCEA R Use of Automated External Defibrillators
JLCF P Wellness
JLCFA Feminine Hygiene Products
JLCG R Exclusion of Students from School for Illness
JLCG-R Exclusion of Students from School for Illness
JLCH O Do Not Resuscitate Orders
JLCJ Concussions and Head Injuries
JLCK P Special Physical Health Needs of Students
JLD R School Guidance and Counseling Program
JLDBA P Behavior Management and Intervention
JLDBB Suicide Prevention and Response
JLF R Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect
JLIF Receipt And Use Of Sex Offender Registry Information
JQ Student Fee, Fines and Charges
JRA R Student Records and Access
Section K contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools. Except for policies concerning education agencies, statements on public sector relations with the school District are located in this section, too.
Code Category Title
KA P School, Community, and Home Relations
KB P Title I Parent Involvement in Education
KB-R Title I Parent Involvement
KCD O Public Gifts/Donations
KD R School District Social Media Websites
KDA R Public Information Program
KDCA R Flyer Distribution Policy
KE R Public Complaints
KEB R Public Complaints About School Personnel, Employees, Students, or Administration
KEC R Reconsideration of Instructional Materials
KEC-R Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials
KED P Public Complaints about Facilities or Services (Section 504)
KEE P Website Accessibility and Grievance
KF R Building Rental and Service Charges
KF-R Procedures for Building Rental
KFA O Public Conduct on School Property – at School Events
KH R Public Solicitations in Schools (also GBEBC)
KHB R Advertising in Schools
KK R Visits to Schools
Section L contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the school District's relationship with other education agencies -- including other school systems, regional or service Districts, private schools, colleges and universities, education research organizations, and state and national education agencies.
Code Category Title